Training Program Break Down

Aerobic exercise – 120 minutes / week minimum

What is Aerobic exercise?

This is simply any type of cardiovascular conditioning.  It can include activities like swimming, running, cycling, jump roping, boxing, Rowing, or brisk walking.

What makes a good aerobic exercise?

Exercise must be performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time. I highly recommend using a heart rate monitor to track your heart rate.


Strength training exercise – 2 days/week

What is Strength Training?

Strength training involves lifting weights properly with the goal of increasing your whole-body strength as much as possible. Strength training emphasizes sets of lower reps (1-8) over sets of higher reps (8-20 +).

 What makes a Good Strength Training Program?

Strength training needs to include progressive overload. This is the most powerful stimulus for muscle growth and strength gains. This simply means that if you are lifting the same weight 4 months from now that you were last week, you probably haven’t gained any muscle and you definitely haven’t gained any strength.


Mobility and Flexibility exercise – 1 day/week

What are mobility and Flexibility exercises?

Mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion. Flexibility is the ability of a muscle (s) to lengthen.

What makes a good mobility and Flexibility exercise?

Both must affect the body’s ability to function properly.


Balance and coordination – 1 day/week

What is Balance and coordination exercise?

These exercises complement each other, just like mobility and flexibility complement each other. The more balanced you are, the better coordination you will have.

What makes a good balance and coordination exercise?

Exercises that are specifically designed to improve your stability and prevent falls as we age.


Exercise Duration

  1. 25 minutes sessions
  2. 45 minutes sessions
  3. 60 minutes sessions


Nutrition Guide

Smart eating Plan – Your Journey to a conscious Eating Lifestyle

  1. Frequency and type of meals eaten.
  2. Calories consumed per day.
  3. Importance of being well hydrated.
  4. Benefits of supplementation


Each week will consist of 3 different types of eating days.

  • High Carb Days – 1 day per week
  • Moderate Carb Days – 3 days per week
  • Low Carb Days – 3 days per week

You may structure these days in any preferred manner. We suggest keeping the high carb day for special occasions.

It should be noted that calorie intake can be adjusted based on metabolism. To lose weight, you will need to reduce your caloric intake below your total daily calorie requirement indicated by your BMR + Activity level. Putting yourself in a 500-caloric deficit every day in the first 6 weeks should result in fat loss.

To gain muscle, you must create a calorie surplus by consuming more calories than you burn each day. This provides your body with the extra energy needed to build new muscle tissues.


Key Point

The plan fact is, you must eat the right food and the right amount to hits your personal calorie target each day based on your individual body type, goal, and activity level, or else, your muscle gains or fat loss will be completely Dead in the water.